I am a big “goal setter”. I love setting personal goals and then immersing myself into whatever it is I have decided to succeed in. Some would call it an obsession. It is a curse. I call it education. Continuing education. A need to know. When it comes to my life in the sport of AKC purebred dogs I often travel a path that others do not understand, but those that know and love me realize I must do things my own way. I compete on a level that I enjoy. So has been my time working with James Taylor and the team on the finest dog show publication of the day. The Working Dog /Herding Dog Digest. In the last two years and three months I have met some truly incredible and talented people within the industry and the sport. I am proud to know many of you as friends and I know those friendships will last a lifetime.

The most amazing part of this job has been to know how special each animal is to those that are “dog folk” deep into their hearts. You live and breathe “dog”. Folks that put the comfort and care of their pets over their own needs. Hard working professionals that are patient and nurturing with each of their clients – man and beast. It has been an amazing journey and an education that I will never forget.

Now I need to turn my attention back to my deepest loves. My husband, family, our doggies and our home.

This special Spring issue will be my last issue as an Advertising Representative for the WDHDD. It has taken months for me to realize it is time to let go.

Thank you to all my clients that have been patient with me. Thank you to all my clients that have trusted in me. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of YOUR winning teams. It has been such an honor. I will faithfully continue my support for you. Please, continue to work with James on your campaigns. I do not have to tell any of you about his passion and desire to see you all succeed with your goals. This incredible publication drips with class and integrity. The best of the best grace these pages every issue.

James, there are no words that can express my gratitude for your friendship, education in the world of advertising and trust in me. You are one of a kind.

One last note:
Congratulations to Team Rumor!!! Deborah, Pam, Pamela, Kent, Liz, Maria, Daniel and everyone that is a part of her life and career, you are a great example of sportsmanship and dedication to your breed and the Sport of Purebred Dogs!

See you at the Shows!
Wendy Sorrell

Advertising Director

289 Jonesboro Road # 371
McDonough, Georgia 30253


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